Soul Listening Sessions


“Here’s the deal. The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved.

It simply wants to be witnessed — to be seen, heard and companioned exactly as it is.”

—Parker J. Palmer, The Gift of Presence, The Perils of Advice

What to Expect

In a Soul Listening Session, you have full permission and space to allow whatever is on your soul to come up and be deeply heard, witnessed, and understood. Whether it’s grief, hope, confusion, despair, rage, fear, joy; whether it comes out in words or in tears or in sounds, what your soul has to say deserves expression and acceptance.

In these sessions, we don’t aim ourselves toward a goal or intention. We’re not seeking to solve your emotions like a math problem; we’re just giving them space to exist and breathe, to let it be ok that you’re feeling whatever you’re feeling and experiencing in this moment.

If you are needing a safe, non-judgmental space held for you to share and process what’s on your heart - even (or especially) if some part of you feels like you ‘shouldn’t’ feel this way or that you ‘should’ be somewhere else in your life at this point, or if you’re not even sure of what your soul would have to say if given the opportunity to be heard - then I invite you to book a Soul Listening Session. All Soul Listening Sessions are offered as a Gift.

  • Testimonials

    It is truly a blessing to get to work with Chelsea.

    I was in Chelsea's one-on-one coaching container for a few months, during one of the more emotionally hectic points in my life. Right off the bat, Chelsea was able to provide guidance and facilitate the development of some of the most simple insights that ultimately created a massive, positive impact in my life. I can wholeheartedly say that after working with Chelsea my life has dramatically shifted. After working with Chelsea, I am finally in a place where I am stepping into the woman that I always prayed I could be and loving the hell out of this life I get to live. 

    In her coaching container, Chelsea created such a comfortable, safe, loving, and judgement-free environment. Chelsea is a deeply gifted channel. She immediately tapped into my angels, guides, and spiritual support team, always knowing exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you Chelsea for helping me to get comfortable with being uncomfortable and for helping to open me up to the gift of receiving. 

    Presently, I frequently find myself circling back to my conversations with Chelsea, re-grounding myself in those lessons in any moments of imbalance or disharmony.

    If you are looking to level the fuck up, I highly, highly recommend working with Chelsea. If you are looking to work with a healer and intuitive that is deeply invested in your growth and development, I highly, highly recommend working with Chelsea. If you are looking to build a lasting, reciprocally-beneficial connection with a free-spirited, loving, spiritual badass, then I highly, highly recommend working with Chelsea. Thank you so so much Chelsea!! Lots of love <3

    — MIRANDA S. —

  • Testimonials

    Working with Chelsea has been truly magical. I feel like in every session that we explore a part of my life, something new always opens for me in that area and I am able to approach it with a more conscious awareness. Chelsea has helped me tune more into myself and embrace all the aspects of myself and learn from those parts. I feel like my time with Chelsea has been very transformational in ways that I am even surprised by. Every session I learn something new and build tools to be the best version of me. I am very grateful to Chelsea for holding a safe space for me to explore myself and be vulnerable. I feel Chelsea’s genuine care, which is something unique in this space. I am always excited for every session because I know that through them I will unlock something new in me. I am very grateful to have found Chelsea, as she has been such a huge influence in my life since starting with her.

    — NOOR K. —

  • Testimonials

    Chelsea has an unparalleled way of making you feel right at home the moment she starts speaking to you. She has a welcoming presence that lets you know you are seen and being held in such a supportive way. She is nothing short of magical and truly a gift to the people she is here to guide and support.

    — KRISTINE M. —

  • Testimonials

    1:1 coaching with Chelsea was so special and in such divine timing. I was going through a rough transitioning period and feeling resistance to vulnerability. She makes you feel comfortable and brings you back to what your soul is trying to heal in this human experience. There were times that I rescheduled our meetings because of overwhelming feelings through this healing. She was patient with me and the process. She helped me learn how to break old patterns that no longer served me on my path. She did healing meditations with me. She opened my eyes to remember who I really am and to start learning how to love all the qualities about who I am. She introduced me to more spiritual tools to help enhance my connection to my intuition and create new healthy habits for my healing journey. I felt so much better after every meeting, even the ones I had to make myself join. She was and is still a true friend. She deeply listens. She cares. She’s fun. She’s a light. She’s real.

    — KERRY P. —

  • Testimonials

    I did a 4 week coaching session with Chelsea and it was absolutely life changing! We covered a wide range of topics and she offers so much support through everything! In just our few short sessions I felt such a big shift in my mindset, my energy and who I am at my core. She is such a bright, friendly, compassionate, knowledgeable person and having a cheerleader and supporter like that as you move into your next chapter is essential! I know exactly where to turn when it’s time for another big shift in myself and my business.

    Thank you so much for helping find a deeper meaning in myself and holding space to allow me to shine and find my true colors!

    — CECILIA N. —

  • Testimonials

    Working with Chelsea literally changed my life. After each session, I felt lighter, brighter, and more inspired to live my true life purpose. I gained so much clarity that allowed me to see which path was best for me to take and where I wanted to go next in my business and personal life. Chelsea helped me connect with my intuition and feel confident in my abilities to tap into my own inner guidance, but also accept help when I need it. With her help and guidance, I believe a lot is possible for me and I'm excited to work with her again.

    — CRYSTAL V. —

  • Testimonials

    Working with Chelsea has been truly transformational. I was going through a spiritual awakening which led me to reconsider my career. With Chelsea's supportive approach I was gently guided to ask myself the correct questions to begin to hear my own intuition. I have a new found faith in my abilities to choose the best life path regardless of societal and past expectations. She wanted to ensure during this process I gave myself grace by moving away from fear and guilt. She provides a safe space to navigate our soul contracts while displaying an incredible amount of love and attention.

    — JANIE G. —

  • Testimonials

    I felt that my energy became lighter after my session with Chelsea. I received the clarity and understanding that I needed to trust in myself and my journey. Chelsea has a way of making her sessions feel relaxed and genuine. I truly believe we are guided to the right person at the right time. She is so refreshing and honest!

    — MICHELLE D. —