Living In The Gift


“Let’s try a new definition of wealth: the ease and freedom to be generous.”

- Charles Eisenstein, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible -

As much as possible, I offer my work as a gift to those I serve and work with. This means that in our time together, I give to you parts of myself and what I have - my time, my energy, my attention and focus, my skills, and the gifts that have been give to me by Life itself - without expectation of receiving anything directly in return. It’s not that I don’t want or need anything myself - in fact, one of the deep realizations that emerges naturally out of gift-based economies is how much and how deeply we need one another, as opposed to the goals of self-sufficiency and individualism that capitalism and consumerism instill in us.

Make no mistake that my choice to run my business in this way is not set upon a flowery foundation of just ‘love and light’ or naive optimism. To me, pouring my gifts into the world and into my community is as much a radical, defiant act of resistance to the status quo as it is an intentional act of creation toward the more beautiful world I want to see and live in.

I hope that you will join me in enacting a different way of being and relating to one another - one that is based in deep trust, mutual care, generosity, and gratitude for all that we are given in this life. If you feel drawn toward working with me, I hope that you will receive your session as you would receive a sacred, meaningful gift from a friend. And if you feel inspired to give - in response to a feeling of gratitude for what you have received from me, or as a way to circulate what you have been given - I see you, I thank you, I honor you.

Give a gift: credit card

A Brief Guide to Giving & Receiving

Some people who have worked with me within this gift model have told me that they feel overwhelmed and a bit distressed in terms of how much to give to me. For this reason, I have included the below suggestions and considerations…AND please also understand that these feelings of discomfort are an important part of the process.

As we continue to decondition ourselves from harmful systems of capitalism and colonization, we will often go through what feel like withdrawal effects. We are decreasing our dependency on others to tell us what to do, how to be “good,” and how much we are worth, and that can be both empowering and scary. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed by the responsibility that comes with reclaiming your sovereignty. Take your time, breathe deeply, find your center, listen, and trust yourself. There is truly no right or wrong here, no judgment or shame. You can’t mess this up - we’re all just walking each other home with what we have to give.


In choosing how much to give, here are some things that may be helpful to consider:

  • What is the most you can give without overstretching or resentment?

  • What feels 'right' and 'true' to you, even if there's no logical reason why?

  • If you are simply not at a place where you can give financially, in what other ways can you contribute and give? I am always appreciative of referrals, testimonials, and social media shares!


While I don’t equate a set amount with my sessions (how you can price something that is sacred to you?), here are some helpful suggestions in terms of contributing to the long-term sustainability of my work:

  • Supporting Others to Receive: $350

  • Sustaining The Work: $170

  • Contributing to the Circle: $44

  • Receiving in Gratitude: $0


As we come back into balance with a natural flow of circulation and reciprocity, many of us will feel more stretched in remembering how to fully receive and ask for what we need without shame or guilt.

Please remember this: “One of the most important gifts you can give is to fully receive the gift of another…Fear of receiving is also, ultimately, a fear of giving. The two go hand in hand - always! Together, they are a fear of life, of connection; they are a kind of reticence. To give and to receive, to owe and be owed, to depend on others and be depended on - this is being fully alive.”

- Charles Eisenstein, Sacred Economics -

Additional Resources

If you’re interested in exploring more about gift economy, here are some of the resources that have been most useful and impactful to me:

If one tree fruits, they all fruit - there are no soloists. Not one tree in a grove, but the whole grove; not one grove in the forest, but every grove; all across the country and all across the state. The trees act not as individuals, but somehow as a collective. Exactly how they do this, we don’t yet know. But what we see is the power of unity. What happens to one happens to us all. We can starve together or feast together. All flourishing is mutual.”

- Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass -