What “Raising Your Vibration” REALLY Means

I wrote/channeled this message below in my journal one recent evening and really loved the message and sentiment about how we sometimes misunderstand what 'raising our vibration' means. Enjoy and let me know if this resonates with you!

Do not worry so much about 'raising your vibration' like it is a number on a scale or a grade on a test. Think of it more as, when you first came onto your spiritual journey, your vibration existed at the very outer edge of your aura most of the time - your mood, your emotions, your beliefs, your desires, your thoughts and actions were mostly being created and enacted out of fear, out of your cultural expectations of how you should live and be and of what you should want in your own life.


Now, your vibration has increasingly been 'raising' - not necessarily up, but more in toward the core of you, toward your soul and your heart.

All these things that make up and help set your vibration - the thoughts, beliefs, desires, emotions, actions and reactions - are now being determined closer and closer to your soul, freer and freer of the weight of other peoples' perceptions and expectations of you.


That is how you know you're now attracting and magnetizing to you, manifesting what is truly meant for you, because it can finally recognize you and spot you out of the crowd. Not because you've 'raised your vibration higher' and earned more points and gold stars in the spiritual quest of life, not because now you finally deserve it. You've always deserved it, it just couldn't find you because your vibration existed so far outside of you and your core, your true essence.

Trust that what you desire now has spotted you and is weaving through any potential crowds or barriers or obstacles to get to you - and all you need to keep doing is 'raising' your vibration more and more inward toward your true self so that your light continues to shine brighter and brighter.


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