Chelsea Jewel | Soul Storytelling + Spiritual Coaching

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Daily Astrology Journal Prompts for July 2022

I’m big on journaling, but even for me, sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. That’s why I love using astrology as my guide to help me know how to prioritize my self-reflection and self-care time. This month, I’ve gone through the daily astrology and compiled a list of daily journal prompts to help you begin (or continue!) a consistent journaling practice that is directed by what’s going on cosmically. Remember, as above, so below - meaning, whatever is currently going on in the sky above us is reflecting a part of us - individually and collectively - that is asking for attention and integration.

Feel free to print these out and leave a comment or shoot me a DM on Instagram (@chelseajewel33) with any insights or breakthroughs that come up from these.

Happy journaling! 😊💜✨

Key Astrological Events and Transits in July: 

  • July 5: Mars enters Taurus

  • July 5: Mercury enters Cancer

  • July 7: USA Pluto Return is exact (for the 2nd time this year) 

  • July 13: Full Moon in Capricorn

  • July 17: Venus enters Cancer

  • July 19: Mercury enters Leo 

  • July 19: Chiron retrograde in Aries 

  • July 22: Sun enters Leo 

  • July 28: New Moon in Leo 

  • July 28: Jupiter retrograde in Aries 

  • July 31: Uranus conjunct North Node in Taurus 

Key Themes we’re working with astrologically this month: 

  • Rebalancing our inner divine feminine and masculine energies (regardless of your gender), and letting the feminine take the lead

  • Bringing awareness and appreciation to how much we have already healed and grown, especially in the last year 

  • Continuing to smooth out any imbalanced power dynamics within relationships, including our own habits and patterns that enable these dynamics to persist 

  • Becoming more compassionate and nurturing in our self-talk 

  • Continuing to build our toolbox of nervous system regulation practices to deal with unexpected (and/or unwanted) change and things outside of our control

  • New levels of grounded confidence in ourselves, our gifts, and our message 


July 1: Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn

In what area(s) of my life do I currently feel like I’m in a power struggle right now (with another person, within a situation outside of my control, etc.)? What is this teaching me about myself?

July 2: Jupiter, Chiron, and Mars in Aries 

How have I been healing my insecurity around being assertive in the past month?

July 3: Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn

Think of a situation that has you feeling powerless lately. Close your eyes and tune into your body. Where does this feeling of powerlessness live in your body? What does it feel like, physically, in your body? What does the wisdom of this emotion in your body have to share with you right now?

July 4: Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries

What do I feel so passionate about that I could talk with someone about it for 3 hours straight and not get bored? How can I incorporate more of this passionate energy into my day-to-day life?

July 5: Mars enters Taurus 

How do I know when my body needs rest and recuperation? What signals does it send me, and how can I get better about listening to them?

July 6: Mercury enters Cancer

What does my soul most need to hear right now?

July 7: USA Pluto Return exact

If I could wave a magic wand and be living in an ideal society (regardless of whether or not you currently live inside the US), what would be different? 

July 8: Venus in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

How have I healed old relationship patterns and wounds so far this year? And how can I celebrate how far I’ve come?

July 9: Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries 

Where do I need to stand up for and communicate my own needs? 

July 10: Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 

What relationships, habits, environments, or triggers tend to drain me the most? What boundaries do I need to help me protect my own energy? 

July 11: Uranus and North Node in Taurus

What have I learned so far this year about cultivating a sense of inner peace and stability, even when things around me are chaotic and uncontrollable? 

July 12: Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries

What habitual thought(s) do I constantly tell myself that I would never say to someone I love because it is so hurtful and critical? How can I offer myself more compassion in the future instead?

July 13: Full Moon in Capricorn

How does internalized patriarchy and capitalism show up in my life? What is 1 shift I can make to deconstruct and release these patterns?

July 14: Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces 

Who in my life do I continue to expect to change, when they have continued to show me who they really are? How are my expectations of this person keeping me stuck in unhelpful patterns of relating?

July 15: Mercury in Cancer sextile North Node in Taurus 

What practices, relationships, and experiences in my life help me feel grounded and nourished on a soul level? 

July 16: Mercury conjunct Sun in Cancer

What is the most meaningful thing someone has said to me in the last month? Why was that so impactful for me?

July 17: Venus enters Cancer 

How do I typically show someone that I deeply care about them? How do I best like to receive love and care from others?

July 18: Mercury in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn

Brene Brown says, “Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.” Write about a recent time when you have been unclear and unkind out of a fear of wanting to avoid potential confrontation. How would you consciously handle that situation differently today?

July 19: Mercury enters Leo

Imagine you’re invited onto your favorite talk show or podcast. What would you love to be asked and share about your journey? 

July 20: Sun in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn

What outdated beliefs about my productivity, career, and goals need to be released in order to create more space for living in alignment with my intuition?

July 21: Chiron goes retrograde in Aries

What does healing my inner masculine energy look like for me right now?

July 22: Sun enters Leo 

What is my ideal way(s) of expressing myself and my unique voice in the world? How can I commit to cultivating more of this throughout the next month?

July 23: Moon, Uranus, North Node, and Mars in Taurus 

How has my relationship to money and financial security changed or evolved so far this year?

July 24: Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius 

What do I need more of from my friendships and communities? Less of?

July 25: Mercury and Sun in Leo 

What in my life would be different if I felt more confidence to share my voice? What would that ideally look like for me?

July 26: Uranus and North Node nearing conjunction in Taurus 

What would a day of unexpected miracles look like for me?

July 27: New Moon in Leo

How can I intentionally cultivate and embody more courage and self-expression in my life?

July 28: New Moon in Leo

Imagine you’re famous or well-known. What are you famous for? What impact does your work have on others? What is the message that your life sends out to others who look up to you? What do your biggest fans say about you?

July 29: Jupiter goes retrograde in Aries 

Take a vent session. Write for 15-25 minutes about whatever is currently causing the most frustration, anger, or rage - no self-censoring or self-judgment allowed. Just let it out.

July 30: Four outer planets retrograde (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto) 

What are the current collective themes I feel that we’re all being asked to learn and work through together? How do those fit in with my own life and purpose?

July 31: Uranus conjunct North Node in Taurus 

If all of a sudden I lost all of my money tomorrow, what or who do I know I could turn to and rely on to help me through? Alternatively, if all of a sudden I won the lottery tomorrow, what or who would I turn to first? 

Want to dive in deeper to explore your own astrology chart and how the current astrology is impacting your day-to-day? Book a 1-hour Intuitive + Karmic Astrology Reading with me, where we can explore a range of themes and areas, from your soul purpose and intuitive career guidance, to love life and relationship advice, to intuitive development, all unique to your own chart.