Daily Astrology Journal Prompts for June 2022

Blog graphic - June 2022 Daily Astrology Journal Prompts

I’m big on journaling, but even for me, sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. That’s why I love using astrology as my guide to help me know how to prioritize my self-reflection and self-care time. This month, I’ve gone through the daily astrology and compiled a list of daily journal prompts to help you begin (or continue!) a consistent journaling practice that is directed by what’s going on cosmically. Remember, as above, so below - meaning, whatever is currently going on in the sky above us is reflecting a part of us - individually and collectively - that is asking for attention and integration.

Feel free to print these out and leave a comment or shoot me a DM on Instagram (@chelseajewel33) with any insights or breakthroughs that come up from these.

Happy journaling! 😊💜✨

Key Astrological Events and Transits in June: 

  • June 3: Mercury Direct in Taurus 

  • June 4: Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius 

  • June 12: Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

  • June 13: Mercury enters Gemini 

  • June 14: Full Moon in Sagittarius 

  • June 22: Venus enters Gemini 

  • June 28: Neptune Retrograde in Pisces 

  • June 28: New Moon in Cancer 

Key Themes we’re working with astrologically this month: 

  • Applying and integrating lessons from Mercury Retrograde period around sharing our voice and grounding in new beliefs and thought patterns 

  • Healing and understanding karmic lessons and closures that have been brought up over the past few months, especially related to friendships 

  • Continuing to release old limiting beliefs that aren’t serving us anymore 

  • Communicating our needs and boundaries in our relationships 

  • Understanding communication as more than just the words we speak - noticing underlying energy, body language, tone of voice, what we choose to share

  • Balancing taking aligned action with patience and divine timing


June 1: Mars and Jupiter in Aries 

What do I feel inspired to take aligned action on lately? What is that showing me about where my passions lie and are ignited?

June 2: Saturn in Aquarius square Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

What has divine timing and the lesson of patience taught me lately about working and building toward my future goals? 

June 3: Mercury Direct in Taurus

What new insights or realizations have come up for me in the past month? What do I now know or think that I didn’t one month ago?

June 4: Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius 

What lessons, relationships, or challenges lately have felt like a karmic rebalancing in my life? What is my role within this karma? What have I learned to do differently as a result?

June 5: Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

Get outside for at least 10 minutes today, and write down 3 things you notice about the natural world - maybe it’s an animal you see, the way the trees are blowing in the wind, a particular shape you see in the clouds, a beautiful flower. For each thing you notice, ask: If this thing could talk, what would it be saying to me? Get creative and use your imagination; feel free to ask it a question and write its response. 

June 6: Sun in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries 

Today is all about finding your conviction. Journal on: What do I believe so strongly and passionately that I am willing to speak up about it, no matter what anyone else tells me to think or believe?

June 7: Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius 

What have I learned this year about friendship? What changes in my close friendships have taken place and what have they shown me about myself and what I need moving forward from my friends?

June 8: Venus, Uranus, North Node, and Mercury in Taurus 

What rituals, people, and mindsets help me cultivate inner peace? What detracts from or drains my feeling of peace?

June 9: Jupiter, Mars, and Chiron in Aries 

What is my current relationship to divine masculine energy (inspiration, taking action, planning, strategy, presence, security, safety, protection, etc,)? What is asking for healing within my relationship to this energy?

June 10: Sun in Gemini 

What is one new skill or hobby that I’m interested in learning more about? What is holding me back from diving into it? 

June 11: Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn

What is one secret that I would be scared for other people to find out about me? What do I believe would happen if they knew? 

June 12: Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Describe what the ‘status quo’ pattern of your love life is like. What would it look like for this pattern to be completely disrupted and turned on its head? What would that feel like for you?

June 13: Mercury enters Gemini 

Time for a brain dump! Set a timer for 7 minutes, and write - without break or pause - stream of consciousness anything that comes into your mind. I often find it helpful to start with a list of every worry/anxiety that’s taking up real estate in my mind, and then let flow whatever needs to come out after that. 

June 14: Full Moon in Sagittarius 

What old, limiting beliefs do I need to release in order to step fully into who I am becoming? (To go even deeper, look to the house in your astrology chart that Sagittarius is over for additional context on what area of life these limiting beliefs are showing up in)

June 15: Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries 

Today, we celebrate and acknowledge how far you’ve come on your healing journey. Reflect back on who you were one year ago. How have you evolved? What’s changed - physically, spiritually, emotionally? What is one action you can take today to celebrate your growth and healing?

June 16: Sun in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius 

Who is one person in your life who always supports you and your vision, no matter how crazy it might seem to others? Write a short letter of gratitude to them - bonus points for actually sending it!

June 17: Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces 

How do you typically distract yourself from feeling your deeper emotions? Take some time to get still and quiet, and feel in your body where heavier emotions like disappointment, grief, loneliness, or fear show up in your body. Journal through any sensations, memories, or thoughts that come up. Today, let yourself simply be with and observe these ‘messy’ and uncomfortable emotions. 

June 18: Venus conjunct North Node in Taurus 

What do you need in order to feel a sense of safety and security today? How can you give yourself more of what you need? Where do you need to ask for help?

June 19: Venus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius 

What are your head and your heart currently disagreeing about? 

June 20: Mercury clears its retrograde shadow

If you could ask God/the Universe/your fairy godmother any one question right now, what would it be? Write it down, and then respond to your own question with what you most want to hear.

June 21: Sun enters Cancer

What nourishes you? What replenishes your energy? 

June 22: Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn

What does a healthy power dynamic within a relationship look like and feel like to you? 

June 23: Venus in Gemini 

How do you know when your communication needs - in terms of both being heard and what you hear/receive from your partner - are being met in a relationship? 

June 24: Venus and Mercury in Gemini 

What needs to be discussed that you’ve been avoiding in a particular relationship? 

June 25: Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius 

What have you committed to so far this year? Reflect on where you’ve spent the majority of your time and energy - are those things in alignment with your values and what you’ve wanted to commit to? What, if anything, needs to change moving forward?

June 26: Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn

A newspaper headline splashes across the front page with the most horrendous/gut-wrenching thing anyone could ever say about you - what does it say? Do some inner exploration around why this particular thing triggers so much in you. What does this rejected part of you (the part of you that is selfish, shallow, or whatever your headline said about you) need to feel accepted and loved today?

June 27: Neptune Retrograde in Pisces 

How would you describe your current relationship with your intuition? How and when does it speak to you? How do you discern between your intuition and anxiety? 

June 28: New Moon in Cancer  

What does your soul need most right now? What is within your control and what is outside of your control that can help bring this into your life?

June 29: Neptune Retrograde in Pisces 

How do you think your life should look right now? In other words, what’s different between your ideal reality and your current reality? How is your resistance to what is helping or hurting you? 

June 30: Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries 

What stories and thoughts come up around why you feel you aren’t deserving of rest?

Want to dive in deeper to explore your own astrology chart and how the current astrology is impacting your day-to-day? Book a 1-hour Intuitive + Karmic Astrology Reading with me, where we can explore a range of themes and areas, from your soul purpose and intuitive career guidance, to love life and relationship advice, to intuitive development, all unique to your own chart.


Daily Astrology Journal Prompts for July 2022


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