Chelsea Jewel | Soul Storytelling + Spiritual Coaching

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Channeled Message: We Live In a Giant Hall of Mirrors

This channeled metaphor came to me this past weekend as I continue to integrate my recent Ayahuasca experience. I hope that it resonates with you and sparks a glimmer of remembering in you of who you truly are and why you are here in this world. After you read this full message, I would ask yourself:

  • What are the relationships and points of information (news and media that you consume, for example) in your life currently reflecting to you?

  • What changes can you make in terms of which mirrors you choose to listen to, engage with most, and believe in?

  • What are you choosing to reflect back to others you interact with? Do you tend to reflect their shortcomings and fears back to them, or do you reflect their power and strengths to them?

Maybe reality is like a giant maze and hall of mirrors. If everything and everyone (especially every relationship and interaction we have with others) is reflecting something back to us, it makes sense that there are different types of mirrors that we constantly are looking into and different messages/reflections that we are constantly receiving.

And sometimes we get stuck looking at the ones that make us look all distorted - like those ‘funhouse’ mirrors where you’re super tall or wide - because they’re weird and trippy and fascinating in a way…because we know on some level that they are not the true reflections of us, and yet sometimes we forget that and we buy into the image they are reflecting back to us, believing that is truly who we are. This is like when we begin to believe the lies and limitations that others (often unintentionally) reflect back to us - that we are stupid, that we’re not good enough, that we are too much or not enough, that we’ll never amount to anything, etc. etc. Maybe when we find ourselves lost and stuck in those stories, that’s a sign for us that it’s time to walk over and find a different mirror - a different relationship, a new friendship, or even a book or story or podcast that inspires us and reignites some hope in us.

Because then eventually, as we continue to choose to move away from the hallways of distorted mirrors, we find ourselves getting closer and closer to the path of ‘True Mirrors.’ We begin to see more and more of our true nature reflected back to us. All of a sudden, new people come into our lives and new bonds are formed - new relationships that reflect back to us our highest potential; the true, unlimited power of our souls that shines through these temporary human bodies.

And then, eventually, we come up to the THE Mirror - Enlightenment / Awakening / 5D Consciousness / Reunion with our Highest Self, whatever you want to call it. This is where we get to see and meet God/Goddess/Creator/Spirit/Love…and yet, it’s still a mirror - and so we finally, clearly and fully see ourselves as a unique reflection of Spirit, as our own version of a God or Goddess, as a Creator being of our own reality. So then, having been reminded of our ultimate reflection and having found our way out of that sometimes treacherous maze of mirrors, we choose to go back in and help others find their way and their path to their own True Mirror - always being able to keep in our minds and hearts our own true reflection of ourselves, always remembering our power and nature as Creators, flowing in alignment with our ultimate Creator, Spirit.

AND THEN (lol)…we get to dance and sing and celebrate, and we get to live and create our lives together joyously, celebrating the fact that we finally remembered that we are all connected, we are all mirrors to another, we are all reflections of Spirit; we are all Gods and Goddesses, Creator beings.