Daily Astrology Journal Prompts for September 2022

I’m big on journaling, but even for me, sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. That’s why I love using astrology as my guide to help me know how to prioritize my self-reflection and self-care time. This month, I’ve gone through the daily astrology and compiled a list of daily journal prompts to help you begin (or continue!) a consistent journaling practice that is directed by what’s going on cosmically. Remember, as above, so below - meaning, whatever is currently going on in the sky above us is reflecting a part of us - individually and collectively - that is asking for attention and integration.

Feel free to print these out and leave a comment or shoot me a DM on Instagram (@chelseajewel33) with any insights or breakthroughs that come up from these.

Happy journaling! 😊💜✨

Key Astrological Events and Transits in September: 

  • Sept 5: Venus enters Virgo

  • Sept 9: Mercury Retrograde in Libra

  • Sept 10: Full Moon in Pisces

  • Sept 22: Sun enters Libra

  • Sept 23: Mercury Rx enters Virgo

  • Sept 25: New Moon in Libra

  • Sept 29: Venus enters Libra

Key Themes we’re working with astrologically this month: 

  • Healing communication of all kinds - within our closest personal relationships, how we talk to ourselves, our communication and trust with Spirit, patterns of avoidance or confrontation

  • Balancing the needs of self with the needs of others/our relationships 

  • Noticing and playing a more active role in the changes we want to see take place in the collective 

  • Finding opportunities to create and share optimism, joy, beauty, and harmony in our lives 

  • Reflecting on and celebrating our growth and personal development so far this year 



September 1: Venus in Leo opposite Saturn Rx in Aquarius 

Right now we need to strike a balance between self-care and dedicating ourselves to our mission. How can you plan for the next week to balance both? How does taking care of yourself fuel and enhance your soul mission work, rather than detract from it?

September 2: Sun in Virgo square Mars in Gemini 

Close your eyes and visualize the words and stories you tell yourself over and over again as a type of food or beverage. Write about it - if you had to describe your self-talk as food/liquid, what color is it? What is its consistency? Does it taste bitter? Sweet? How does your body feel and react to receiving it? Now imagine the most delicious, heavenly food or nectar you could taste and put into your body. Work backwards this time - what words, stories, and self-talk match this vibration? How can you begin feeding yourself this more delicious, nourishing self-talk daily?

September 3: Saturn Rx in Aquarius square North Node and Uranus Rx in Taurus 

Where does it currently feel like you’re stuck within the process of growth? Take some time to journal and vent all of your frustration - don’t worry about being polite or ‘spiritually evolved’ here - get it out! Now, if you allowed yourself to be bossy and entitled, directing the energy of the Universe to move something in your favor, what would you command it to do for you? Again, don’t hold back - step into the Director of Destiny chair and ask for what you want, when you want it by.

September 4: Neptune Rx in Pisces sextile Pluto Rx in Capricorn 

What has been dying in your life lately (a certain dream, a part of your ego, a relationship, a part of your core identity)? Write about this, and allow your words and reflection to express your grief and gratitude for its role in your life up to this point. And know that where there is death, there is also rebirth - what deep, maybe hidden or subconscious desires and dreams are beginning to stir within you as a result of this transformation process?

September 5: Venus enters Virgo

If you could only express love through acts of service, what would you choose to do for others? For yourself? If you could only receive love through acts of service from others, what would be most meaningful for you to receive?

September 6: Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter Rx in Aries 

Compromise is beautiful. But where have you been realizing lately that you’ve been compromising too much of yourself in order to keep the peace with others? If you could give that part of you a voice and a safe space to speak its true needs, what would it say?

September 7: Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter Rx in Aries 

“What you do speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you say.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson). How have your actions and your words been in harmony lately? How have they been sending different messages into the world? 

September 8: Uranus Rx conjunct North Node in Taurus check-in

We are in the middle of a deep, intense birthing process right now, collectively and individually. What are you birthing into the world right now? Write about what has shifted and become illuminated to you in the last 1-2 months, and how you are choosing to use that to birth this new reality you want to live in moving forward.

September 9: Mercury goes Retrograde in Libra

Once again, communication in relationships is a major highlighted theme right now. What have you learned this year and how have you grown when it comes to your communication patterns and processes within your closest relationships? Look back on this theme throughout the journey you’ve been on this year, and celebrate your growth and development. Also reflect on any areas here where you still feel called to focus on and improve, as this will be felt and supported throughout this entire Mercury Rx period.

September 10: Full Moon in Pisces 

Right now, your soul, intuition, and subconscious are louder and more ‘accurate’ about what’s going on under the surface than your intellectual mind can understand or process. Write a short imaginative Heroine’s Journey story: The main character is going off on a quest. What is she seeking? What archetypal character or animal helper does she meet and receive help from along the way? What tool does she find to aid her on her quest? What is the challenge or dilemma she faces? What does she end up with in the end, most likely different than what she started out seeking originally? Later, look up the symbolic meanings of some of the animals, tools, and themes that emerged from your story. Reflect on similarities and differences between your own life. Pay special attention to the way you wrote the story as well to reveal more to you about your subconscious state of mind and outlook.

September 11: Uranus Rx in Taurus square Saturn Rx in Aquarius 

We are learning that even when the Universe supports our plans and our missions to make a positive impact, patience and trust in the process is still a virtue. Today, notice and get curious about the energy of impatience in your life. What triggers it? How do you react to the presence of impatience within you? What helps ease its intensity for you? How do you treat and speak to yourself when you begin to feel impatient?

September 12: All outer planets retrograde check-in 

Outer planet energies are felt on a collective level - can you feel the tides of our human collective energy shifting? Reflect on what themes you’ve noticed come up lately, from conversations you’ve had with people around you, from recurring themes you’ve heard or seen repeating lately. If you were writing the novel of humanity, and this time was the climax of the story, what would you script for what comes next? Is this what you want to come next? If not, can you change the story in how you’re seeing and telling it?

September 13: Sun in Virgo check-in 

What details in your life were fuzzy a few weeks ago that are clearer, or becoming clearer, to you now? What have you refined and improved within your life in the past few weeks? 

September 14: North Node in Taurus square Saturn Rx in Aquarius 

The past does not dictate the future in our lives anymore. What stories or pain from your past are you currently afraid will repeat itself? Take time to gently and lovingly meet this fear today. What is this fear’s message to you? What does it need to feel safe to move forward with more hopeful expectations? If this fear were to play out in your life, what would you be making that mean about yourself? What could you make it mean instead?

September 15: Mars in Gemini square Venus in Virgo 

There’s a sense of inner conflict between the tough, quick-witted side of yourself and the soft, humble side of yourself. Imagine these two parts of yourself in an argument within your psyche/mind - what are they currently arguing about? How can they come to a compromise or resolution? What does each part really, truly want?

September 16: Mercury Rx in Libra check-in 

Mercury Rx in Libra is a great time to communicate more deeply with the spirits and energies in your life - the spirits of your ancestors, your spirit guides, the spirit of your business, the spirit of money, the spirit of Love. You are in relationship with them at all times, so today, have a conversation with one of them. Start by writing a question down in your journal for one of these spirits, and then allow their energy and their response to come through you, through your pen, to the page. Continue your conversation, back-and-forth, as you would imagine having a conversation with someone in real life and until you feel complete. 

September 17: Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune Rx in Pisces 

What does your intuitive, subconscious mind know that your conscious mind doesn’t know yet? If you’re not sure how to reflect on and write with this prompt, try doing a guided meditation or hypnosis first. Then, write whatever comes into your mind.

September 18: Mars in Gemini sextile Chiron Rx in Aries 

This transit encourages you to have your own back and speak up for yourself. In what area of life could you use more of your own support in this way? 

September 19:  Mercury Rx in Libra opposite Jupiter Rx in Aries 

We’re feeling pulled between our own independence and needs and the needs and sensitivities of others around us. How can you maintain balance and harmony right now between ‘me’ and ‘us’?

September 20: Mars in Gemini check-in 

Mars in Gemini wants to learn, and it wants to communicate. Look back through your journal entries and notes (from courses, books, podcasts, whatever sources you’re learning from recently) from the past month. How can you integrate and apply what you’ve been learning lately, instead of having it get lost in the shuffle of your mind?

September 21: Sun in Virgo conjunct Mercury Rx in Libra 

Reflect on the most significant or important relationship in your life right now and where you feel frustrated or as if your needs are not being met by the other person. Imagine now that this other person is simply reflecting a particular energy back to you - how you treat yourself, a fear or insecurity you have not yet faced or owned within yourself, a pattern that you continue to allow or feel victim to in your life. What is illuminated to you in the face of this mirror?

September 22: Sun enters Libra

What are the ways that you uniquely bring more harmony, beauty, and peace into the world around you?

September 23: Mercury Rx enters Virgo 

What is the most healing thing you could hear right if you were to have a conversation with Spirit or your spirit guide? Tell yourself what your heart most needs to hear today, and sign it from Spirit.

September 24: Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune Rx in Pisces 

When it comes to your relationships or love life, what are the differences between your biggest dreams/fantasies and current reality? What is one small action you can take to begin to bridge that gap?

September 25: New Moon in Libra 

Journal about your intentions for your relationships to the following things - and feel free to add to this list if you feel called!

My relationship with myself: 

My relationship with my partner (or future partner): 

My relationship with my body: 

My relationship with money: 

My relationship with Spirit: 

September 26: Stellium: Sun and Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury Rx and Venus in Virgo

What is the highest compliment or acknowledgement that someone could say about you, and why is that so important to you? What does that tell you about what you value most in life and in yourself?

September 27: Mercury Rx conjunct Venus in Virgo 

Today’s conjunction helps us reflect on where we may be complaining or ‘nagging’ in our relationships, and how those illuminate areas of unmet needs for us. Reflect on what complaints or judgments you currently have within your closest interpersonal relationships, and what unmet needs those may be asking you to address.

September 28: Mars in Gemini square Neptune Rx in Pisces 

What routines, practices, perspectives, or processes help you balance your left and right hemispheres (Left hemisphere = logical, structured, organized, linear; right hemisphere = creative, imaginative, artistic, nonlinear)?

September 29: Venus enters Libra 

What do you value most in a romantic partner? How do you embody these values yourself?

September 30: Jupiter Rx and Chiron Rx in Aries check-in 

We’ve been doing some big healing and self-discovery work lately, especially around our inner divine masculine energy. How have you healed old patterns of over-productivity, needing external results to feel secure in your self-worth, and balancing taking action with resting over the past 6 months?


Want to dive in deeper to explore your own astrology chart and how the current astrology is impacting your day-to-day? Book a 1-hour Intuitive + Karmic Astrology Reading with me, where we can explore a range of themes and areas, from your soul purpose and intuitive career guidance, to love life and relationship advice, to intuitive development, all unique to your own chart.


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