A Deep-Dive Guide To The Astrology of 2024
We’re already well into January, Pluto has just moved into Aquarius as I write this, and we’re gearing up for yet another year of wild awakenings, massive global changes, and huge potentials for expansion.
Let’s dive into the most significant themes and transits taking place in 2024. In this post, I’ll touch on the top 3 collective themes I’m feeling from the astrology of 2024 overall, and then I’ll go into a month-by-month breakdown of the most significant events and what they mean.
2024 Major Themes
Jupiter is highly active this year, starting out in Taurus, then moving into Gemini in May. Along the way, it makes significant aspects to Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the North Node, and Saturn. In other words, Jupiter is involved in some sort of major contact with every single one of the outer planets this year, indicating huge potentials for growth, expansion, spiritual seeking and meaning-making, and new discoveries, especially related to our personal and human potential.
To me, 2024 feels like a continuation of the major birthing energies that many of us felt in 2023 - waves of contraction and expansion that we felt emotionally, physically, and experientially within the events unfolding in our lives and the world around us. 2023 and 2024 both share a similarity of this back and forth movement of contraction and expansion as we collectively birth a new world; however, 2023 felt much more heavily weighted toward the contraction. You may have experienced this as inner turmoil, a dark night of the soul, or major life-shaking events that were out of your control and forced you to slow down. Intuitively, 2024 feels to me like it will be more weighted toward the expansion side of the equation. We will still face major soul hurdles and challenges to integrate, but especially if you’ve been doing the inner work already, 2024 brings new opportunities to bloom and reap the harvest from all of that healing, self-love, and getting-into-soul-alignment work that you’ve sowed in recent years.
Most significantly, Pluto, the generational planet (meaning it moves super slowly and defines an entire generation of people based on what sign it occupies) related to death, rebirth, transformation, and soul healing, spends most of the year in the sign of Aquarius. I have a longer post dedicated exclusively to Pluto in Aquarius, and there’s still so much more I could say…this transit brings strong (r)evolutionary energy, pushing us toward collective change, even against the clinging resistance from the people and structures that fear change and would prefer to keep us locked into the status quo.
Pluto moves into Aquarius January 20, and then will briefly retrograde back to the final degree of Capricorn (for the last time in our lifetimes) from September 2 through November 19. These dates in the fall are sure to be eyebrow-raising, especially as they lead up to and encompass election season in the U.S. This back and forth movement between Capricorn and Aquarius cements in further this 2024 theme of death and rebirth - the push toward the new, struggling against the pull of the old and the way things have always been done.
Aquarius is all about liberation and breaking free. With Pluto entering into this sign, whatever is holding us back from personal and societal liberation will be brought up to the surface to be witnessed, evaluated, and ultimately destroyed, as we simultaneously begin to breathe new life into innovations and ways of collectively organizing that are more aligned with our highest evolutionary potential as human beings.
These themes of death/rebirth and imprisonment/liberation also play out within us on a personal, individual level. We are all detoxing from and un-learning the harmful ways of seeing ourselves and being in the world that have contributed to widespread death and soul loss across the planet. A crucial element of this process will be to integrate our shame, so that we can return to embodying and acting from our sense of innate goodness. Pluto energy is like that of a plant medicine journey, bringing us to face all of our shadows and fears - especially about ourselves and our worthiness - so that we can ultimately stand in the light of Truth, seeing clearly what is and is not of our true nature. When we see more clearly what we have done while under the influence of distortions about who we really are, we find grace and forgiveness for ourselves; we realize that our biggest failings and most shameful behaviors have come from forgetting who we truly are, not from an innate evilness or badness. And ultimately, seeing and integrating this deep Truth is the foundation for any long-lasting change, which is Pluto’s evolutionary aim for us.
With Jupiter moving into Gemini and Pluto moving into Aquarius, we have an influx of energy pushing us toward more connection and community.
Jupiter expands everything it touches - in the sign of Gemini, we receive and create exponentially more opportunities for connection, curiosity, information-sharing, and childlike wonder. It’s important to understand both the highest potentials and the shadow possibilities with this transit so that we can arm ourselves with discernment.
In its highest potential, I see Jupiter in Gemini metaphorically as a growing, interconnected mycelium network: sharing resources and information with one another, to support the growth and expression of each individual tree within the planet-wide grove. On the shadow side, we fall into information overload, dispersing our valuable energy and resources into a scattered, meaningless array of rabbit holes. Misinformation, propaganda, half-truths, exaggerated and shallow gossip, and straight-up lies are all things that we’ll see more of from May 2024 through May 2025 with Jupiter in Gemini.
While this transit emphasizes the importance of the mind, your best ally of discernment and personal integrity will be found in staying grounded, regulating your nervous system, and running any information or potential course of action through the heart. The mind can be easily persuaded based on cherry-picked facts and stories, but the body and the heart hold stores of wisdom and ancient, embodied ways of knowing that will guide us through even the messiest of mind-mazes.
2024 Month By Month Astrology Highlights
Major Transit: Pluto enters Aquarius (January 20)
There’s a lot to say about Pluto in Aquarius and what it could bring for us. To dive more into this energy, read my full Pluto in Aquarius blog post that I wrote last year when Pluto first entered into this sign of individuation, liberation, and collective consciousness. For now, we are continuing to tentatively (and probably messily - the first degrees of any sign always carry a somewhat naive, even reckless energy as we become accustomed to it) dip our toes into this energy.
In January and throughout the first half of the year, I feel this energy as a growing discontent and restlessness rippling throughout society. We are continuing to push up against the limits that have been previously set for us - limits that have told us who we are, what we deserve, and where we stand based on human-created labels like socioeconomic status, race, gender, religion, and ‘marketable skills.’ As we push against the confines of these too-tight boxes to eventually break free of them, we embody the birthing pains and contractions that are helping us birth a new world based on greater egalitarianism, collaboration, and synergy.
Major Transits: Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (Feb 14); North Node conjunct Chiron in Aries (Feb 19)
Both of the biggest transits this month - Mars conjunct Pluto and the Node Node conjunct Chiron - point us in the direction of acknowledging and integrating our sacred anger. Anger has been vilified as an emotion that is unevolved, not nice, not spiritual, and unacceptable. Our societal fear of anger has led many of us to repress it - to bury it or try to move through it as quickly as possible and then move on - and in doing so, we end up unleashing it in unhealthy, unconscious ways, as all energy has to be expressed in some way eventually. Anger is a healthy and valid emotion that tells us when a boundary has been crossed, and when harnessed consciously, it empowers us to set and maintain boundaries, stand up for ourselves and others, and instigate necessary change within harmful dynamics.
On Valentine’s Day, Mars and Pluto meet up at 0 degrees of Aquarius, signifying a potential collective boiling point. Revolution, war, conflict, and violence are all possibilities. Instead of avoiding your own anger, turn to face it and ask what it is telling you. Only once it’s faced and worked with consciously can we use it to effect change. Otherwise, we risk contributing to old, unconscious patterns of harm and violence.
Then on February 19, Chiron, the asteroid known as ‘the wounded’ healer, meets the North Node, the signifier of our karmic destiny, in the sign of Aries. This is a significant event, especially related to our soul evolution and healing beyond just this lifetime. We are being asked to go into our wounds - the deepest sources of our pain, insecurities, and fears - so that we can attain the medicine from within them and emerge on the other side as spiritual warriors committed to Truth and Love. The work of healing our wounds and sharing the medicine they have to offer us is a lifelong process, but this specific transit plays an important role of activation on that journey for us if we’re willing to take it.
If you were born between May 1984 and January 1993, I want you to pay extra special attention to this transit and to what’s being brought up to your awareness around this time. Most of you born in this date range have the dwarf planet Eris located at or very close to 16 degrees of Aries in your natal chart, which is the exact degree point where this Chiron/North Node conjunction is taking place. Eris was discovered in 2005 and is considered a dwarf planet, like Pluto. Her energy is that of the awakened radical feminine - this piece by astrologer Sarah Varcas details beautifully the energy of Eris and how it is awakening within us at this time.
For those of you born during this time with Eris at 16 degrees of Aries, this Chiron/NN conjunction feels like a very potent and spiritually significant activation of your own inner feminine warrior energy, regardless of your gender. That radical feminine spirit is one that owns her sacred rage to stand up for the oppressed and marginalized and to seek a more just and equitable world for us all. She uses her power, her full range of emotions, and her spiritual gifts to help bring long-hidden truths up to the surface so that we can collectively see and address what has been holding us back from the world we want to live in.
Major Transit: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra (March 25)
The main event in March is the start to spring eclipse season with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees of Libra on March 25. This eclipse is part of the Libra/Aries series that began in 2023, and with this one aligning with the South Node, we’re invited to continue releasing old ways of relating to one another that are imbalanced. Patterns of codependency and unequal power dynamics are especially up for evolution or release - pay close attention to who (or what) in your life triggers feelings of superiority or inferiority, and do some deep reflection around where those beliefs come from so that you can make conscious, empowered decisions about establishing stronger boundaries, repairing relationships that are worth keeping, or letting go of what doesn’t fit for you anymore.
The South Node in Libra (again, related to this particular eclipse) is also bringing up insecure attachment wounds (avoidance, anxious attachment, etc.) to be healed via the power of self-love. A harmonious balance between sovereignty and empathy is needed. Sovereignty and empathy are not mutually exclusive, but if we are too far weighted to one end of the spectrum, we are being asked to integrate more of the opposite energy so that we can come into greater balance and into healthier, deeper relationships with ourselves - and thus with others.
Major Transits: Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus (April 20); New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries (April 8); Mercury Rx in Aries (April 1-25)
The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on April 20 is one of the most significant astrological events of the entire year! Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion, and Uranus is the planet of change, rebellion, and awakening - so whenever these two meet up, there’s sure to be BIG energy manifesting in some way. They meet at 21 degrees of Taurus - pay special attention to any planets or points in your own natal chart close to 21 degrees Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, Virgo, or Capricorn as they will be especially impacted by and called upon during this time.
The sign of Taurus is all about resources and what we value. While Jupiter has been in Taurus since May of 2023, across the world we’ve seen the rich get richer at the expense of Earth and of the time, labor, and right to life of the working class. Uranus adds a lightning bolt shock of disruption to the status quo and adds fuel to the fight for liberation. We will also see more and more people questioning and pushing back against the mainstream measurements of ‘progress’ - Jupiter is all about growth and expansion, but what exactly are we trying to grow? The global economy, to the benefit of a few players who then hoard and misuse their expanding pile of resources? Uranus adds flashes of insight and revelation to help us reevaluate the myth of progress, as defined by easily quantifiable metrics like GDP, employment rates, and life expectancy. What meaning do any of these indicators of global ‘progress’ actually have if we consistently pursue them at the expense of the immeasurable yet deeply sacred qualities of community, intimacy, purpose, vitality, and pleasure?
What is wealth? How do we define and measure progress? What does nature (vs culture) teach us about these things?
Also this month we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees of Aries and Mercury retrograde in the sign of Aries. We are simultaneously being drawn inward to reflect on what is worth our sacred energy, what is worth standing up, and if necessary, fighting for, while also beginning to outwardly embody a new understanding of who we truly are.
All of these energies together in the month of April may feel a bit conflicting, overwhelming, and chaotic. The Mercury Rx period has us turning inward, while the Solar Eclipse and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction have us wanting to take bold action. Expect the unexpected and trust the compass of your heart to lead you.
Major Transits: Jupiter in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (May 23); Jupiter moves into Gemini (May 25)
One of the other most significant astrological events of 2024 is Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini. Before that takes place though, Jupiter at 29 degrees Taurus will sextile (sextiles represent excitation and a spark of energy) Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces. This transit could open emotional and somatic pathways that have been blocked for some time, helping us more easily connect to our intuition and tune into our body’s messages. If you’ve been experiencing health issues at all, this transit also feels promising for higher healing opportunities, especially if you are willing to truly feel your feelings and express them in some way (like through a mode of art therapy, poetry or creative writing, etc.) to release previously blocked energy.
When Jupiter then moves into Gemini, we receive opportunities for expansion, growth, and spiritual wisdom in the realm of communication and information. The image that comes to mind with this transit, which will last through June 2025, is of a spreading mycelium network that helps connect seemingly individual trees to one another underground. Positively, Jupiter in Gemini can certainly bring us more opportunities for connection and community. The shadow side that we need to be very cautious of, however, is the sheer proliferation of information that is sure to keep coming. Jupiter in Gemini can just as quickly grow and spread lies, harmful gossip, misinformation, and propaganda, so we must prioritize DISCERNMENT about the information we take in and what we believe in and engage with.
Major Transits: Jupiter trine Pluto (June 2); Full Moon at 1 degree Capricorn (June 21)
On June 2, Jupiter at 1 degree of Gemini makes a trine (harmonious, flowing communication between two planets) to Pluto at 1 degree of Aquarius. This energy might feel simultaneously chaotic, exciting, stimulating, and overwhelming. New social and technological innovations may emerge into the public sphere; new conversations may also be addressed on a broader scale, potentially about Plutonian themes like death and the afterlife, transparency vs secrecy, occult forces, and the revelations of long-buried information. It’s especially important during this transit (including the few weeks leading up to and directly following June 2) to use intention and discernment about what you are ‘plugging into’ energy-wise. Remember that you can observe without absorbing.
We also have the first of two back-to-back Full Moons in Capricorn this month, initiating another purge cycle of shadow-Capricorn energies: internalized oppression, addiction to busy-ness and achievement as primary means of self-worth, giving our power away to external, perceived ‘authorities’ instead of trusting ourselves to know what is best for our own lives.
Major Transits: Jupiter sextile North Node (July 9); Full Moon at 29 degrees Capricorn (July 21)
July brings major healing and activation energy to our individual and collective throat chakras: Old, ancestral and karmic storylines of being silenced, or being afraid to speak our truth for fear of ridicule, exile, or punishment are being laid to rest. When Jupiter in Gemini sextiles the North Node in Aries on July 9, we are given opportunities to reclaim power that we have given away by speaking up for what we need and what we believe in. Courage and conviction - knowing exactly who we are and what we stand for - are two of our most important inner resources to help us break the chains that have held our voices captive for centuries.
Then on July 21, we have what I feel is one of the most significant Full Moons of the year. Our second Capricorn Full Moon in a row, this one takes place at 29 degrees of Capricorn - this is the exact point that Pluto has been triggering and working over for the past year or so, compelling us to shed the old ways of doing things that are no longer serving or protecting us. This Full Moon also forms a sextile to Neptune at 29 degrees of Pisces (the final degree of the entire zodiac), a conjunction to Pluto in Aquarius, and a trine to Mars in Gemini. The world is at a climax point in the struggle for power. This Full Moon feels like a turning point in the collective story - maybe not where everything changes overnight, but at the very least where ‘the people’ begin to realize more effective ways of organizing, communicating, and mobilizing together to eventually bring about greater social change.
Major Transits: Jupiter square Saturn (August 19); Mercury Rx in Virgo and Leo (August 5-28)
In August, we have multiple planets retrograde (Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron), prompting us to reflect and reassess. With Mercury stationing retrograde in Virgo and then moving backwards through Leo, we are needing to reconnect with what our hearts are truly telling us. Mercury Rx in Leo also has us thinking about our unique role on the stage of life - are we living in complete authentic expression, or are we still performing based on who others expect and want us to be?
Then we reach a point of challenge and conflict when Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces on August 19. Jupiter and Saturn are known as the social planets - their movements indicate broader patterns of social movement, encompassing trends across cultural, political, governmental, and humanitarian realms. Back in December 2020, we had the ‘Great Conjunction’ where Saturn and Jupiter met at 0 degrees of Aquarius, indicating another chapter of societal initiation into the Age of Aquarius. These Great Conjunctions take place roughly every 20 years and usher us into new eras of social change - the sign these conjunctions take place in reveal what we can expect to see more of on a societal level throughout the next 20 years.
The Great Conjunction of 2020 at 0 degrees Aquarius told us to expect a new beginning of a 20-year period involving an influx of Aquarian ideals and energies: egalitarianism, decentralized power, strengthened community through diversity, innovation, and celebrating uniqueness. You can see how Pluto in Aquarius is currently working in tandem with this seed that was planted in 2020, tearing down the structures and worldviews that hold us back from realizing the highest potentials of Aquarius. With this Jupiter-Saturn square in August (another one comes later in December), we reach a point of tension within the collective story. Jupiter in Gemini wants us to continue the forward march of human progress through connection and open-sourced information; meanwhile, Saturn holds back the reins, making sure we are maturing emotionally and spiritually enough to responsibly wield the power that is to come with new information and technology. Pay attention to what houses Gemini and Pisces are over in your personal chart, as these will be two areas of your life where you are likely to experience this tension play out.
Major Transits: Pluto Rx re-enters Capricorn for final time (Sept 1); Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (Sept 17)
Pluto makes its final step back into the sign of Capricorn - it will hover here at the critical 29th degree until November 19, where it will then leave Capricorn for the last time in our lifetimes and embark on its 20-year journey through the sign of Aquarius. The 29th degree of any sign holds major energies - it often feels like a culmination, like the week of final exams before graduation. Pluto has a bit more clearing of the toxic, shadow sides of Capricorn from our lives - and the fact that its final foray here is right during election season in the U.S. is sure to lead to some finale-stage fireworks.
It’s hard to say what Pluto’s last act in Capricorn will bring, especially because the other major event in September 2024 is an impactful eclipse with a supercharged theme of expect the unexpected. Eclipses are typically unpredictable anyway, but this one on September 17, which takes place at 25 degrees of Pisces, is conjunct Neptune, sextile Pluto in Capricorn, AND sextile Uranus in Taurus. With all 3 of the outermost planets involved, and with this being the first eclipse on a new axis that we’ll be working with more seriously in 2025 (the Pisces-Virgo axis), there is sure to be significant, unpredictable change afoot.
The astrological ‘prescription’ here is to surrender. Release your expectations; believe that big miracles are possible, but also know that they often come through grace and trust in the bigger picture, not through force, control, or strategic human planning. Grab your popcorn, and get ready to dance with the Mystery through an explosive, revelatory, fated eclipse and election season.
Major Transits: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra (Oct 2); Jupiter sextile Chiron (Oct 12)
To kick off October, we have the final eclipse in Libra, conjunct Mercury and loosely square Mars in Cancer. For the past 1.5-ish years, we’ve had eclipses on the Libra/Aries axis, pushing us toward greater sovereignty and relationship harmony, and rooting out patterns of codependency, people pleasing, self-sacrificing, conflict avoidance, and passive aggressiveness. While eclipses are unpredictable times when destiny takes the wheel, we can assume that with this particular New Moon Solar Eclipse, we’ll have opportunities to more deeply integrate and put into practice what we’ve learned throughout the past few years about relating in more secure, healthy ways.
One of the biggest keys to this integration involves communication, especially around areas of conflict. The old us may have prematurely let go of something that needed to be addressed, fearing that conflict is bad and that voicing our needs and emotions would lead to abandonment. We are now (hopefully) starting to trust more, based on inner healing work we’ve done and based on new people we’ve attracted into our lives who are also committed to conscious relating, that openly addressing conflict head-on is a tool that can lead to deeper understanding and connection.
Then on October 12, Jupiter in Gemini making a sextile to Chiron in Aries solidifies these new relationship patterns even more. Our growth in communication (Jupiter in Gemini) is mutually supportive of/supported by our clearer understanding of who we are on an individual level (North Node in Aries). We can only meet others as deeply as we can meet ourselves; so the more deeply we know, love, and communicate honestly with ourselves, the more we will see those patterns show up in our relationships with others.
Major Transits: Jupiter sextile Chiron (Nov 2); Pluto enters Aquarius for good (Nov 19); Mercury Rx in Sagittarius (Nov 25 - Dec 15)
Almost all planets are either retrograde (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron), in their pre-retrograde shadow (Mercury and Mars), or are clearing their post-retrograde shadow (Pluto) in November. Venus is the only planet who’s moving full-steam ahead. Our hearts are leading the way, while the rest of our being recalibrates and deeply reflects on where we’re at, where we want to be headed, and how to integrate what we’ve most recently learned.
Given the fireworks show (who knows if it will be positive or negative) of September and October, alongside continued global change and a sure-to-be historical U.S. presidential election, we’ll desperately need the more internal energies of November to rest, regroup, and recenter ourselves before we move forward.
Pluto moves into Aquarius FOR GOOD on November 19, leading us deeper into new territories of collective change. We may potentially have some cleanup and healing to tend to from Pluto’s final romp through Capricorn, and hopefully we’ll have gathered some new ideas and innovations, along with new ways of being and creating together, from Pluto’s venture into the first few degrees of Aquarius earlier in the year.
Major Transits: Mercury Rx in Sagittarius (Nov 25 - Dec 15); Mars Rx in Leo (Dec 6 - Feb 23, 2025); Jupiter square Saturn (Dec 24); Pluto sextile North Node (Dec 31)
The energy of December 2024 feels foggy, confused, and perhaps a bit unmotivated and directionless. With Mars stationing retrograde in Leo and Mercury still retrograde in Sagittarius for the first half of the month, we are deeply questioning and re-assessing what we’re passionate about (fire energy) and what we care about enough to dedicate ourselves to. Mars Rx can often bring up obstacles, delays, or changes to our energy levels. This isn’t to lead us into hopelessness and despair, but rather to get us to slow down enough to step off the hamster wheel of whatever we’ve been doing tirelessly and out of habit for so long, so that we can better see if it’s actually still lighting us up.
The second Jupiter-Saturn square of the year brings us similar energy: Inner (or outer) tension, stalls, thwarted plans, and challenges that ultimately are asking us to widen our perspective, take new information and learnings into consideration, and plan our future ambitions accordingly.
Pluto is also actively involved in the astrology of December. It forms a conjunction with Venus at 0 degrees Aquarius on December 8; it opposes Mars Rx (this will be exact in January 2025, but we’ll feel it building especially toward the end of the month); and on the final day of the year it forms a sextile with the North Node in Aries. Our motivations and desires are undergoing massive transformation, beginning on a soul level. What used to motivate us (perhaps markers of the ‘old’ societal success like money, celebrity and fame, fancy material possessions, etc.) isn’t giving us the same fix any longer. With Pluto involved, we’re pushed to dive deeper - for example, how are those old societal motivations perhaps masks of a deeper addiction to external validation?
We end the year by potentially seeing how the obstacles, lagging motivation, and changes of heart we’re experiencing are not just trying to get us to come up with more creative ways around them; they’re being presented to us to bring us closer to our true soul work, our core purpose for living, our soul’s innermost desires. December is a major opportunity to come into deeper alignment with your soul, if you can stop trying to force whatever’s not working and instead begin to follow where the obstacles are trying to redirect you.
If you’d like to learn more about how these transits will affect you personally, book a Soul Story Session with me.
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