3 Signs You're Being Impacted by Past Life Karma

Past life interest and curiosity has been coming up a LOT lately for people, both inside and outside of spiritual communities. I say this to a lot of my clients: It feels like we're in a time where multiple layers of karmic paths are coming up to be healed all at once. It almost feels like a convergence of timelines meeting us now in the present with opportunities popping up left and right around triggers and patterns to be resolved and healed.

If you have been feeling the tug to start looking into your past lives recently, now is a great time to do so. A couple of resources I like to help you get started:


Based on what I've seen in my past life readings, in my own experience, and in my studies, here are 3 big signs that whatever situation you're currently facing may have its roots in your past life karma and/or trauma:

(Disclaimer that I am not a medical doctor or licensed therapist. If you ever experience severe or life-threatening physical or emotional reactions, you should seek professional assistance.)



We've all had those situations come up in our lives where we completely explode into anger or tears or euphoria in reaction to a seemingly small trigger point.

Sometimes these come from unresolved trauma or suppressed emotions in this lifetime; sometimes they come from mundane physiological reactions, like when you're tired, hungry, hangry, or stressed.

But a lot of times, when we're continuously 'over-reacting' (I use that word in quotations because it's totally subjective to us and the people around us) to a similar stimulus and we can't seem to 'fix' ourselves around it, it's usually because we keep trying to tend to the symptoms of the issue, when the root of it lies in a past life.

A few examples might be:

  • You have a seemingly irrational, larger-than-life fear of the ocean that can't be easily explained by any event that happened in this lifetime

  • Your young son starts inexplicably crying whenever he sees movies or TV shows showing airplanes or pilots

  • Whenever you have to speak up in public, it literally feels like your throat is closing up or is raw and scratchy



This one area of your life feels like where you're always getting blindsided, even though you think you should know better by now. It always seems like you can ever only see the situation clearly in retrospect, but you're never able to identify and make new choices around it while it's happening.

This type of pattern comes up in relationships a lot. Maybe you always go for the emotionally unavailable person, and it's not until months later when you're crying into a box of chocolate chip cookies again that you realize, "This is the EXACT same scenario I was in with the previous person! Why does this keep happening to me?!"

If this sounds like you, here's something I want you to know: We are not doomed or sentenced into our karma. It's not necessarily that in a past life, you treated a bunch of lovers horribly, and now you're destined to receive the same treatment from them in return as punishment. That could be the case, but it's way more likely that your karma is playing out as your subconscious habits and suppressions.

This is really what karma and past life healing is about: Making the unconscious conscious so that we can recognize it, heal it, and evolve beyond it. Really, that's the aim of almost all healing and spiritual work…and in my view, one of the main aims of life itself.



Related to the point above, a surefire sign that you're trapped in some karma is that you keep falling into victim mindset in this one particular area of your life, even if you normally take full responsibility for the reality you create and exist in.

It can be way too easy for us to use karma as a scapegoat and to try and subconsciously attract in sympathy and compassion by staying stuck in it. For example, if you're one of the ones reading this, you may have heard of and you probably have some form of 'The Witch Wound' - it's the idea that many of us who are now stepping into roles of healers, intuitives, psychics, or those of us who are just trying to find and reclaim the feminine power of our voices, have been punished, killed, and ostracized before in past lives for our beliefs and practices.

This is a very real wound, and its damage to our souls and psyches lives on in us today. We often need validation of that as part of the first step in healing.

AND YET…while this is a very real wound, if we allow ourselves to stay focused on 'their' role against us (the ever elusive and pervasive 'them' that is always perpetrating against 'us'), we stay stuck in the very cycle we are lamenting about. We once again play into the same patterns of the past of giving our power away by focusing not on our own actions and what we can do to heal and overcome, but by focusing on how we can't control the actions of those around us.

The choice and power to heal and evolve is always in your hands. That doesn't mean that you're always going to get exactly what you want. But it does mean that you get to choose your reactions to everything.

Karma is often, essentially, the summation of unconscious habits that need to be brought into deeper and higher awareness. Conditioned responses of fear, anger, shame, anxiety, guilt, avoidance, etc. often began for us in past lives, and by examining them and making different, more conscious choices moving forward, we take responsibility for our healing and evolution.


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