Chelsea Jewel | Soul Storytelling + Spiritual Coaching

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My #1 Hack For Intention Setting + Manifestation!

This Thursday, on what is arguably the most powerful New Moon of the year (with the New Moon, Sun, Mercury retrograde, Venus, Saturn AND Jupiter all in the sign of Aquarius together!), I'll be hosting a 1-hour workshop on how to set powerful intentions that align what your manifestations.

But I didn't want to hold back ALL of the juicy knowledge that I'm going to be sharing in that workshop, and I wanted EVERYONE to be able to know this #1 hack of mine that I use for my own intention setting and manifestation process. Like most intention setting practices, it's actually pretty simple. But putting it into practice on a daily basis is going to be what helps shift your mindset in order to actually align with what you're wanting to call in.



So by now, I'm pretty sure we've all heard about confirmation bias. These days when most people talk about it, it's in a negative way, about how we're all living in social media echo chambers and that we use confirmation bias to constantly convince ourselves that we're right, even when we're not. Confirmation bias is essentially looking out for and only paying attention to evidence that supports your existing beliefs.

Outside of the controversial world of news and politics, we also actually use confirmation bias everyday when it comes to our intentions and manifestations, in the way we interpret the world around us. Except usually, our confirmation bias is playing out under the radar, confirming to us all of those negative beliefs and stories that run on a loop through our minds even though we don't actually want them to be true.

Let me give you an example…Recently I texted a friend a short funny story of something that happened to me, and instead of getting the 😂😂😂😂 response I expected, I received back…crickets. My first interpretation kicked in: Maybe she was just busy or with friends and couldn't respond back yet. After a few hours of not hearing back from her though, my next, even stronger set of interpretations kicked in: That was such a stupid text to send. Maybe it offended her. Maybe we're just not as close as I thought we were. Next time I have the urge to send a silly message like that to someone, I should probably just play it cool and keep it to myself instead of risking the embarrassment and rejection of seeming like a weirdo/loser.

Yikes!! How is my intention of trusting myself or my manifestation for deeper, more intimate relationships and friendships supposed to come through when my beliefs and interpretations of every minor situation jump automatically to how horrible and lame and unworthy I must be?!!  

And this is where my hack of using Positive Confirmation Bias kicks in.

Positive Confirmation Bias is using this 'skill' we all have of creating meaning and interpretation out of everything  to our benefit, instead of to our own detriment. From now on, if you are trying to manifest more money and abundance, I want you to practice interpreting every single little situation that comes up for you around money (or honestly around anything, even if it seems unrelated to money) in a way that supports instead of cancels out your intention.

Found a penny on the ground? That's the universe confirming to you that you are abundant. Received a free cookie with your meal? Universal confirmation. Your best friend just had her first $10k month in her business? See?! You're surrounded with high vibe, abundant people, and that's a sign that yours is on your way too!

Changing your interpretation of the world and its events around you is the fastest way to reprogram your limiting beliefs and build up your new, more positive and supportive beliefs.

Sure, you might feel like a crazy person when you first start practicing this for yourself. None of us wants to be that person that goes around thinking everything is a ‘sign’ that you’re meant to be with that one special person. But, alternatively, how well has your current mindset and interpretation system served you so far in manifesting what you really want?

Enjoyed this tip? Then get access to the recorded virtual workshop I gave on Feb. 11, ‘My Top 5 Hacks for Intention Setting + Manifestation’. In it, I cover 4 more of my favorite intention setting + manifestation hacks like these, along with my own personal routines and rituals that I use around things like Positive Confirmation Bias to cement its effects into my reality.