Chelsea Jewel | Soul Storytelling + Spiritual Coaching

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Manifestation Shadow Work

Once you set your intentions toward a particular manifestation, the universe will bring up and show you all of the things (energetic and physical) that currently stand in your way from receiving it.


Some people call these 'tests' from the universe, but for myself and many others I've worked with, this perspective often leads to a reactivation of perfectionism and a mentality of needing to prove yourself worthy of what you inherently deserve.


Instead, I think of it like this: If you say that you intend to manifest a clean and tidy room (lol it's the Virgo stellium in me that's got me coming up with all these spring cleaning analogies lately), the universe will respond by picking up all the dirty socks and dust bunnies lurking in the corners and under the bed and bringing them to your feet so that you can actually clean and make your manifestations reality.


It's actually a beautiful thing because you don't have to even go searching for the areas where you're blocking yourself - the universe is always answering you and helping you fulfill your intentions!


If you're manifesting stepping into more of your power as a leader and speaker, the universe will bring to your attention all of the ways you've been keeping yourself small.


If you're manifesting a loving, reciprocal relationship, the universe will illuminate for you all of the places where you have been giving more than you've been receiving and where you have been tolerating less than you deserve.


If you're manifesting financial abundance and prosperity, the universe will bring to your feet all of the ways you have not been valuing yourself, your time, your expertise, and your gifts.


So, on the way to manifesting your own clean and tidy room, what are the metaphorical socks from the hidden corners that you've been called to clean up?

Can you see them as just that - metaphorical dirty socks - instead of some cosmic punishment or sign of your unworthiness?